The Latin-American Network for Remote Sensing and Forest Fires (RedLaTIF) is a regional network established in 2002 under the Global Observations of Forest and Land Dynamics (GOFC/GOLD)-Fire Mapping and Monitoring Theme. RedLaTIF members are composed of remote sensing specialists with emphasis on the detection and mapping of active fires and burned areas. The network’s primary goals are to: (i) assess and validate global satellite fire products, (ii) promote use of remote sensing data, and (iii) bridge the gap between end users and space agencies.
RedLaTIF member representation covers a wide geographic area extending from Mexico to Argentina, while also including participation from scientists in Spain and United States, among others.
Fire IT Documents and Publications |
Title | Start Date | End date |
RedLaTIF Annual Meeting | 04/22/2021 | 04/23/2021 |
RedLatif participation on the 4th GWIS and GOFC-GOLD Fire IT meeting | 10/01/2019 | 10/02/2019 |
RedLatif: Wildfire Hazard Mapping and Land Cover Change in Latin America | 10/09/2018 | 10/11/2018 |
RedLatif participation on the GOFC-GOLD Regional Network Summit | 09/13/2017 | 09/16/2017 |
RedLatif: Burned Area Estimation in Latin America using a Collaborative Virtual Environment | 08/01/2017 | 08/03/2017 |
RedLaTIF Annual Meeting - Colombia 2020 (Dates to be defined) |
Address |
Address |