Objectives: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and short lived climate pollutants (SLCP) from the Asian region have been increasing continuously due to rapid population growth and industrial activities. Quantification of GHG’s and SLCP from different sources in Asia and understanding their climate impacts is an important task requiring integration of both top-down (satellite remote sensing) and bottom-up (ground based) approaches including modeling. Through involving GOFC-GOLD - Southeast Asia Regional Research and Information Network (SEARRIN) linked with other international and local projects, we envisage to achieve the following objectives: a). review GHG and SLCP emission estimates and methodologies from different sources including biomass burning in the Asian region; b). address impacts of land cover/land use changes on greenhouse gas emissions/aerosols; c). understand the impact of GHG’s and aerosols on local climate; d). explore the potential of satellite remote sensing datasets for quantifying pollutants, aerosols and pollution episodes; e). review inverse modeling approaches for characterizing emissions; f). strengthen the SEARRIN activities in the region through involving more researchers in the region. The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on Land cover/land use change and Atmospheric science to exchange results and ideas.
The workshop had the following scientific sessions:
International Workshop Conveners:
Dr.Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Associate Research Professor, GOFC-GOLD Fire IT Executive Officer, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), USA, Phone: 1-330-234-0387 Fax: 1-301-405-6806; Email: krisvkp@umd.edu
Dr.Chris Justice, Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), 4321 Hartwick Road, Suite 209, College Park, Maryland, 20740, USA, Phone: 301.405.4050; Email: cjustice@umd.edu
Dr. Toshimasa Ohara, Fellow, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Tsukuba, Japan; Phone: 81-29-850-2491; Email: tohara@nies.go.jp
Dr.Matsunaga Tsuneo, Head, Center for Environmental Measurement and Analysis (Environmental Information Analysis Section), National Institute for Environmental Studies NIES), Tsukuba, Japan; Phone:81-29-850-2349;Email:matsunag@nies.go.jp
Dr.Garik Gutman, Program Manager, NASA Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Program; Landsat Program Scientist, Washington D.C. USA; Phone:1-202-358-2770; Email: ggutman@nasa.gov
Dr.Hassan Virji, Director - START; Mr.Senay Habtezion, Program Specialist, START - www.start.org; Email: hvirji@start.org or shabtezion@start.org
Local Sponsor:
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia
Local Host:
Dr.Bambang Saharjo, Dean, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, 16680, West Java, Indonesia. Email: bsaharjo@gmail.com; Ph:62251-8621677
Dr.Iskandar Z.Siregar, Director Research, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB),Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, 16680, West Java, Indonesia. Email: izsiregar@yahoo.com
Local Logistics Contact:
Israr Albar, Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, 16680, West Java, Indonesia. Email: israralbar@gmail.com
IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia
Botani Square Building 2nd Floor
Jl. Raya Parajaran
Bogor – Jawa Barat
About Bogor:
Bogor (Indonesian: Kota Bogor, Dutch: Buitenzorg) is a city on the island of Java in the West Java province of Indonesia. The city is located in the center of the Bogor Regency (Indonesian: Kabupaten Bogor), 60 kilometers (37 mi) south of the Indonesian capital Jakarta. Bogor is the 6th largest city of Jabodetabek (the Jakarta metropolitan region) and the 14th nationwide, with a population having passed 1 million; it is an important economic, scientific, cultural and tourist Center, as well as a mountain resort.
9:20 Welcome Address – Herry Suhardiyanto – Rector (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
9:35 Keynote Address – Siti Nurbaya Bakar (Minister of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia)
9:50 Welcome remarks –Bambang Saharjo (Local host, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia)
9:55 Welcome remarks and GOFC Introduction – Chris Justice (U. of Maryland College Park, USA) - [Presentation]
10:05 Welcome remarks – Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, Japan)
10:10 Meeting Objectives – Krishna Vadrevu (U.of Maryland College Park, USA) - [Presentation]
Keynote Presentation
10:25 The NASA LCLUC science: Focus on Southeast Asia – Garik Gutman (NASA HQ and GOFC GOLD Program) - [Presentation]
10:55-11:00 - Group Picture
11:00-11:25 - Tea Break
11:25-12:45 Technical Session-I: Regional & National Science Initiatives - Chair: Garik Gutman (NASA HQ, USA)
11:25 7-South-East Asian Studies (SEAS) Campaign – George Lin and Tang Huang Lin (National Central University, Taiwan) - [Presentation]
11:45 Indonesian National Institute and Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) remote sensing activities in Indonesia – Rokhis Khomaruddin (LAPAN, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
12:05 Remote sensing activities in Vietnam and VNREDSAT-1 satellite characteristics for disaster management in Asia - Nguyen Minh Ngoc (Space Technology Institute, Vietnam) - [Presentation]
12:25 Asia Pacific Network (APN) for Global Change Research – Twenty years of collaborative research/capacity building on LC/LUC and GHG emissions- Erna Adiningsih (LAPAN, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
1:45 – 5:05 Technical Session – II. Land Cover/Land Use Change, Forests and GHG emissions - Chair: Chris Justice (UMd, USA)
Keynote Presentation
1:45 Effects of oil palm expansion on land use, carbon emissions and livelihoods in Kalimantan, Indonesia – Lisa Curran (Stanford University, USA) - [Presentation]
Technical Presentations
2:15 The significance of Indonesian peat swamp and mangrove forests losses in the emission reduction targets – Daniel Murdiyarso (Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
2:35 Annual deforestation mapping in Sumatera 1990-2012 using multi-temporal digital classification – Kustiyo (LAPAN, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
2:55 Forest management and livelihood connections in Southeast Asia – Christine Padoch (Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
3:15 Remote sensing of land cover changes in Southern Vietnam – Bach Viet Pham (Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) - [Presentation]
3:35 – 4:05
Tea Break
4:05 Enhanced approaches to estimate net emission reductions from deforestation and degradation of undrained peat swamp forests in Central Kalimantan - Wayan Susi
Dharmawan (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
4:25 Land cover and Land use changes and impacts on Carbon cycling in South and South East Asia – Atul Jain (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA) - [Presentation]
5:05 – 5:30 Poster Introductions (1-minute overviews)
5:30–6:05 Poster Session
9:20 – 2:20 Technical Session – III. Inventories, Monitoring and Modeling of GHG’s and Air Pollution - Chair: Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, Japan)
Keynote Presentation
9:20 Atmospheric pollution monitoring using GOSAT-1 and GOSAT-2- Tsuneo Matsunaga (NIES, Japan) - [Presentation]
Technical Presentations
9:50 S-12 project and Regional Emission Inventory in Asia (REAS) – Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, Japan) - [Presentation]
Tea Break
10:40 Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) activities and air quality monitoring in Indonesia - Dodo Gunawan (Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
11:00 Air pollution management system in Vietnam – Nguyen Thi Nhat Thanh (VNU-ET, Vietnam) - [Presentation]
11:20 Characteristics of inorganic particulate matter in Peninsular Malaysia – Mastura Mahmud (University Kebangsaan, Malaysia) - [Presentation]
11:40 The impact of land use/cover change on greenhouse gas emissions in terrestrial ecosystems of tropical Asia – Haruo Tsuruta (Remote sensing technology center for Japan (RESTEC), Japan) - [Presentation]
1:00 GHG emissions from land use change and forestry sector in Myanmar – Cho Cho Win (Forest Research Institute, Myanmar) - [Presentation]
1:20 CH4 emissions inventory in India using GOSAT data – Sachiko Hayashida (Nara Women’s University, Japan) - [Presentation]
1:40 Recent and future emission scenarios for emerging renewable biomass and conventional fossil fuel based energy in India – Saroj Sahu (NIES, Japan) - [Presentation]
2:00 GHG and SLCP emissions projections in Asia and Intended Nationally Determined contributions (INDC’s) – Tatsuya Hanaoka (NIES, Japan) - [Presentation]
2:20-5:20 Technical Session - IV. Vegetation Fires and Biomass Burning Emissions - Chair: Krishna Vadrevu (UMd, USA)
Keynote Presentation
2:20 History and latest updates on the satellite remote sensing of fires – Chris Justice (UMd, USA) - [Presentation]
Technical Presentations
2:50 Exploring spectral differences in radiant emissions of flaming and smoldering biomass burning – Chris Elvidge (NOAA, USA) - [Presentation]
Tea Break
3:40 Vegetation fires and smoke plume characteristics in Asia–Krishna Vadrevu (UMd, USA) - [Presentation]
4:00 Indonesian Riau’s smoke – sources and mitigation – Bambang Saharjo (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
4:20 Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: evidence from the 2012-13 Sumatran fires – David Gaveau (CIFOR, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
4:40 Haze and El Nino in Indonesia – Hiroshi Hayasaka (Hokkaido University, Japan) - [Presentation]
5:00 Emission inventories of air pollutatns from biomass burning open burning in Agriculture and forest areas of Thailand – Narisara Thongboonchoo (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Thailand) - [Presentation]
Poster Session
7:00 Dinner
9:20-12:00 Technical Session - IV. Vegetation Fires and Biomass Burning Emissions
(continuation) - Chair - Emilio Chuvieco
Keynote Presentation
9:20 Pro’s and Con’s of using remote sensing in fire research - Emilio Chuvieco (University of Alcala, Spain) - [Presentation]
Technical Presentations
9:50 Impact of vegetation and peat fires on air quality and human health in Southeast Asia – Carly Reddington (University of Leeds, UK) - [Presentation]
Tea Break
10:40 Carbon emissions from the peat swamp forest fires of the ex-Mega Rice Project in Kalimantan – Mark Cochrane (South Dakota State University, USA) - [Presentation]
11:00 Laboratory study of haze in tropical Asia - Mikinori Kuwata (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) - [Presentation]
11:20 Topology analysis of land and forest fire in Riau Province – Israr Albar (Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
11:40 Satellite based early warning system to detect peatland fires in Central Kalimantan – Nina Yulianti (University of PalangkaRaya, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
1:00-5:20 Technical Session V. Aerosols and Radiation Chair: Eric Vermote (NASA Goddard, USA)
Keynote Presentation
1:00 Satellite remote sensing of Aerosols – Eric Vermote (NASA Goddard, USA) - [Presentation]
Technical Presentations
1:30 A review of remote sensing applications for investigating aerosol properties in Malaysia – Kasturi Kanniah (University Technology, Malaysia) - [Presentation]
1:50 Remote sensing of aerosol type and the potential weight of mixing component – Tang- Huang Lin (National Central University, Taiwan) - [Presentation]
2:10 Ground-based monitoring of aerosol optical properties and surface
radiation budget – Akihiro Uchiyama (NIES, Japan) - [Presentation]
2:30 Evaluation of satellite and reanalysis products of downward surface solar radiation over East Asia – Binghao Jia (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, China) - [Presentation]
2:50 Aerosol study from Jambi Forest fire – Edvin Aldrian (Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
3:10 An analysis of aerosol optical properties during seasonal monsoon circulation – Lim Hwee San (University Sains, Malaysia) - [Presentation]
Tea Break
4:00 Inferring particulate matter sources using a Backward-Time Stochastic Lagrangian air quality odel at selected sites in Luzon, Philippines – Patricia Erika Lim (University of Phillippines) - [Presentation]
4:20 PM2.5 carbonaceous species and BC emitted from peat land burning in Riau, Sumatera- Puji Lestari (Institute of Technology, Bundung, Indonesia) - [Presentation]
4:40 Assessment of sulfate aerosols and uncertainity due to clouds using global models – Daisuke Goto (NIES, Japan) - [Presentation]
5:00-5:45 Discussion: Regional Science Summary and South East Asia Regional Information Network (SEARRIN) – Research Priorities Chair: Chris Justice; Rapporteur: Krishna Vadrevu