Agenda [pdf]
Monday, 15th April, 2013
8:30-8:50 GOFC Fire-IT Status and Updates – Justice and Vadrevu [presentation]
8:50-9:10 Round the table introductions of participants
9:10-9:30 Global Geostationary Network and Fire Products – Giglio, Martin, et al. [presentation]
9:30-10:00 Fire Observations from New Instruments – Giglio [presentation]
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-10:50 VIIRS Fire products update (Skype)- Csiszar [presentation]
10:50-11:10 Discussion on fire related sensors
11:10-11:30 Sentinel products update - Plummer
11:30-11:50 Discussion
11:50 Closing of session
1.30-1.50 Burned area and validation- next steps-Boschetti [presentation]
1.50-2.10 Fire-CCI project updates – Itziar [presentation]
2.10-2.30 TOPC-Fire ECV update including CEOS LPV – Tansey [presentation]
2.30-2.50 Discussion on burned area validation - Roy
2.50-3.30 Break
3.30-3.50 User needs perspective–fire management- Goldammer [presentation]
3.50-4.10 User needs - institutional cooperation-Gitas/Zalidis [presentation]
4.10-4.30 User needs- International Biomass burning initiative (IBBI)–Kaiser[presentation]
4.30-5.10 User needs panel discussion- All
5.10 Closing of the session
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
8.30-8.50 Progress and potential roadmap for the global fire EWS-de Groot [presentation]
8.50-9.10 European Forest Fire Early Warning System (EWS)-San-Miguel-Ayanz [presentation]
9.10-9.30 Seasonal forecast model for the Global EWS-Brown [presentation]
9.30-9.50 Discussion on Fire EWS-Justice
9.50-10.30 Break
10.30-10.50 UN-REDD Fire-GOFC source book updates-Boschetti [presentation]
10.50-11.10 WALFA project-Maier [presentation]
11.10-11.20 AFIS update-Frost [presentation]
11.20-11.30 Briefing for preparation of Session-10-Collaborative activities with Fire-IT-Hoffmann
11.30-11.50 Discussion-All
11.50 Closing of the session
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 – GOFC Plenary
Thursday, April 18, 2013
1.30-1.50 Latest updates on fire radiative energy products-Wooster [presentation]
1.50-2.10 FRP emissions-Kaiser [presentation]
2.00-2.10 Update on Global Fire Emissions Inventory-Van der Werf [presentation]
2.20-2.30 Evaluation of tropospheric emission products in relation to fires-Vadrevu [presentation]
2.30-2.40 Discussion on fire emission products - Wooster
2.40-2.50 As above
2.50-3.30 Break
3.30-3.50 USFS update-Hinkley [presentation]
3.50-4.10 Fire regional network update-Hoffman
4.10-4.30 Round table on next steps for GOFC GOLD Fire IT–Justice and Vadrevu
4.30-4.50 As above
4.50-5.10 Action items and final remarks-Justice and Vadrevu
5.10 Closing of the session